Data Protection & Privacy Rights

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), before Rochdale Borough Council collect and process your personal data, we are required to tell you what information we will collect, how we will collect it, how it will be processed, who we will share it with and how long it will be kept for.  This information is detailed in the privacy notice available at

The information you provide will be used by the council to progress your housing application.  This means that the council may share your information with

  • Registered Housing Providers
  • Your GP or other medical practitioner
  • Police/Probation
  • Social Services/Support Agencies
  • Credit reference agencies
  • Present and/or former landlords
  • Other council departments including revenue and benefits

The council will share or collect the minimum information from these organisations in order to progress your application.  The council may also share your information with data reference agencies in order to verify some or all of the information you provide.

Rochdale Borough Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers.  This could mean that information you have provided may be shared with teams responsible for auditing or administering public funds or law enforcement agencies to be used for the prevention and detection of fraud.